Thursday, May 8, 2008

Stage 5: White House and Democrats Move on Ohio Court Plan

Senate Democrats and the White House moved ahead Wednesday with a compromise to break the year-long impasse over approving judges for the federal appeals court based in Ohio. However the Senate Republicans seemed “unenthusiastic” about the plan as the Judiciary Committee held hearings on two nominees to the United States Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit who are in the middle of the compromise. Helene N. White, a liberal Democratic candidate originally put forward by President Bill Clinton. The other is Raymond M. Kethledge, a conservative Republican chosen by the Bush White House.
The court is currently divided with 8 conservative Republican appointees against 6 liberal Democratic appointees with 2 vacant spots which can be decided soon with the 2 current forerunners, White and Kethledge.
Some of the delegates think that the spots will be filled by Senator Obama or Senator Clinton if either is elected president. If they pick 2 democratic chairmen it will even the 6th circuit court at 8 democratic and 8 republicans. One problem with that is some delegates’ fill that waiting for the presidential outcome will be too long. However, the delegates who fill that waiting too long are also republican and if a democratic president is selected the only nominees will most likely be democratic.
We can only guess why a republican delegate would not want to wait for a possible democratic president to fill the 2 vacant spots. If White and Kethledge are appointed, it would leave the seats at 9 to 7 in the republicans favor.

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